Wednesday 2 November 2011

First Impressions of Kenya


Today marks the third whole day that I have spent in Kenya.  Surprisingly, when I first arrived I was not overwhelmed, rather excited and enthusiastic to finally be where I have dreamt to go for so long now.  Arriving at the volunteer house I was greeted by three smiling Canadians, and my host "mom" who not much older than I am.  The next day consisted of doing some shopping, visiting and getting ready for the Halloween party we had with other volunteers and locals.  Yesterday was orientation getting us ready about what to expect in Kenya and at our placements.

Today I started my placement in Kibera, the largest slum in Africa and the second largest in the world.  Kibera is an interesting set-up with mud houses built practically on top of each other and covered with tin roofs.  While there it began to rain so hard it was impossible to carry on a conversation because of the thundering sound of rain on the roof.  I cooked Ugali over fire which is a delicious Kenyan dish made of maze and water.

I've really been enjoying Kenya, the people are so friendly and welcoming everywhere we go.  I look forward to getting to know the people in our area, the city and the beautiful areas surrounding Nairobi.  I will keep you posted as to what will happen next in my adventure!

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